Yvette Trask,
Occupational Therapist / Director.
Yvette graduated as an Occupational Therapist (OT) from Otago University in 2006 and with a bachelors of Physical Education, majoring in Exercise Prescription and Rehabilitation.
Working as an OT in Australia for the past 13 years, Yvette specialised in equipment prescription, pressure injury management, manual handling, training and education, return to work and workplace safety.
She has extensive experience working with a range of disabilities, conditions and ages completing a range of assessments and therapy sessions.
Recently she has relocated back to NZ with her family and is excited about sharing her knowledge. Her passion for watching people develop, achieving their goals and optimising their potential is the driving force behind starting the TheraCo business.
Yvette Trask,
Occupational Therapist / Director.
Yvette Graduated as an Occupational Therapist (OT) from Otago University in 2006 and with a bachelors of Physical Education, majoring in Exercise Prescription and Rehabilitation.
Working as an OT in Australia for the past 13 years, Yvette specialised in equipment prescription, pressure injury management, manual handling, training and education, Return to work and workplace safety.
She has extensive experience working with a range of disabilities, conditions and ages completing a range of assessments and therapy sessions.
Recently she has relocated back to NZ with her family and is excited about sharing her knowledge. Her passion for watching people develop, achieving their goals and optimising their potential is the driving force behind starting the TheraCo business.